Historical and Cultural Reserves of Ukraine. Reference publication / Authors-compilers: Zlyvkova O.O., Hradun E.Y., Zviriaka A.I., Yerzina I.V. - K.: Phoenix, 2007. 176 p.
The reference publication "Historical and Cultural Reserves of Ukraine" is the result of fruitful cooperation of the Research Institute of Monument Protection Research and the State Service for National Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine with historical and cultural reserves of Ukraine. The information on the number of monuments and the number of stock units is indicated according to the information provided by the reserves. The guide is aimed at disseminating knowledge not only about historical and cultural reserves, but also about the national cultural heritage of the state in general.
УДК 726.6(477-751.2)(035) ББК 85.11(4Укр)я2 ISBN 978-966-651-552-3
©Research Institute for Monument Protection Research, 2007Research Institute for Monument Protection Research, 2007
©Phoenix, original layout, 2007