Dedicated to the memory of the prominent Ukrainian architect, Doctor of Architecture, Professor, laureate of the State Prizes of Ukraine in Architecture, People's Architect of Ukraine Yuriy Bilokon
Ievleva V.P., Kotushko O.A., Zakruzhetskaya A.Y., Bobrovsky T.A., Gradun E.Y.; edited by V.P. Ievleva. – Chernihiv: Desnianska Pravda Publishing House, 2011. 180 p.; 85 illus.
Reviewers: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Horbik V.O. Candidate of Architecture, Professor Pribiega L.V. Candidate of Historical Sciences Denisenko G.G.
Consultant: Honored Worker of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Sanzharovets V.P.
The scientific publication covers historical and urban planning research of the oldest city of our country - Kerch, which was conducted prior to the development of a new master plan. In the List of Historical Settlements of Ukraine, Kerch occupies one of the leading places due to the unique objects of immovable cultural heritage of ancient times, among which the most famous are: Panticapaeum, the capital of the Bosporan state, Nymphaeum, Mirmecium, Porphmium, Parthenium and Tirithaka, located within the modern city limits of Kerch, and since 1987 protected as part of the Kerch State Historical and Cultural Reserve. The twenty-sixth-century city is a treasure trove of immovable cultural heritage of the European level. The collective monograph of the Research Institute of Monument Protection Research is devoted to the methodological aspects of the implementation of a scientific and project development - the historical and architectural reference plan of Kerch - which includes the definition of zones and regimes of the most valuable urban areas, primarily the historical area, and complex heritage sites that embody the characteristic features and peculiarities of this unique ancient city. The purpose of the research is to promote the further preservation of the cultural heritage of Kerch in conjunction with its valuable natural foundation; the traditional character of the historic urban environment; the composition and planning, landscape and view features of the city, etc. The result of the research is the proposal of certain regulatory and regulatory frameworks that should further facilitate the protection of the entire complex of the real estate heritage of the city of Kerch.
It is intended for architects, historians, local historians, specialists in the field of cultural heritage protection, employees of cultural heritage protection bodies, museum staff, students of higher education institutions, etc., as well as for all those who are not indifferent to the protection of the cultural heritage of Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
© Research Institute for Monument Protection Studies, 2011
© Ievleva V.P., Kozhushko O.A., Zakruzhetska A.Y., Bobrovsky T.A., Gradun E.Y., 2011