Edited by V.V. Vecherskyi; edited by A.I. Zviriak - K., 2014. 256 p.; 115 illus. (Research Institute of Monument Protection Studies).
The monograph is devoted to the problem of developing plans for the organization of territories of state historical and cultural reserves. The publication summarizes the experience of the Research Institute of Monument Protection Research in developing such scientific and project documentation for reserves in Kyiv (St. Sophia of Kyiv National Reserve), Baturyn, Chernihiv region (Hetman's Capital National Historical and Cultural Reserve), and Kaniv, Cherkasy region (Shevchenko National Reserve). The landscape, layout, three-dimensional composition, buildings, monuments, and cultural heritage sites of these reserves are not only of national but also of European and global significance.
The monograph continues the series launched in 2011 with the monographs "Historical and Cultural Reserves" and "Historical and Cultural Reserves. Plans for the organization of territories". The results of the research work presented in this publication are plans for the organization of territories of specific reserves, which define the boundaries and modes of use of territories and protection zones, as well as the sequence of measures for the protection, use, restoration, rehabilitation, museumization of monuments of reserves, and preservation of the traditional character of the environment.
The publication is intended for historians of architecture and urbanism, art historians, cultural critics, historians, archaeologists, local historians, library and museum workers, employees of cultural heritage protection bodies, urban planning and architecture bodies, local governments, students and teachers of educational institutions, activists of the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, as well as anyone interested in the history and cultural heritage of Ukraine.
Reviewers: Professor, Candidate of Architecture, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine Skoryk L.P., Candidate of Historical Sciences Ivakin V.G., Candidate of Historical Sciences Motsia B.O., architect Lenchenko V.O., architect Yurchenko S.B.
Recommended for publication by the decision of the Academic Council of the Research Institute of Monument Protection Studies of the Kyiv City State University.
ISBN 978-966-2370-29-4
УДК 908+719](477) ББК 26.89(4Укр)
© Research Institute of Monument Protection Studies of the Kyiv City State University, author's team, 2014
© Pavlenko Law Firm, design, 2014.