UKRAINIAN STATE INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE (UDIH) is a cultural and educational center managed by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.
The Institute's goal is to preserve and protect the cultural heritage of Ukraine, increase the interest of the general public in the cultural heritage, and achieve a balance between the historical and cultural environment and new architectural embodiments.
Institute established in 1995 and today carries out scientific, scientific-organizational, scientific-technical activities, has all the conditions to improve the efficiency of scientific research and use of their results in the field of cultural heritage protection.
The Institute's activities are aimed at practical solutions to problems related to the research and protection of monuments, development of regulatory documents aimed at preserving and creating appropriate conditions for the use of cultural heritage sites.
The institute employs qualified performers - historians, architects, museologists, lawyers who are researchers and specialists in the field of cultural heritage protection. To carry out the proposed work, the Institute has modern scientific, technical and software.
Main directions of scientific activity of the Institute:
- conducting research, scientific, technical, scientific and organizational activities to ensure practical solutions to the problems of protection of cultural heritage sites, including monuments;
- conducting applied research in the field of cultural heritage protection;
- development of research and design documentation to define protection zones for cultural heritage monuments, historical areas and historical and architectural reference plans for historical settlements, restoration and conservation of cultural heritage monuments;
- development of draft regulations and methodological materials on the protection of cultural heritage;
- conducting scientific and technical expertise;
- establishing scientific and practical contacts with specialists and organizations of similar structures abroad;
- popularization of scientific research results;
- performing other scientific and research works.
The Institute has 10 departments, including one regional department:
- Scientific and methodological support for the formation of the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine
- Department of Cultural Heritage Promotion and Publishing
- Department of preparation of monument protection documentation
- Department of urban planning research and documentation
- Department of preservation of cultural heritage of the regions
- Accounting, Economics and Reporting Department
- Administrative and economic department
- Investment projects department
- Department of scientific and project documentation of monuments
- Customer service department